CNH Catalogs

Kingsdown - Exporter of truck and tractor parts

We are now able to offer our customers access to the CNH Online Parts Catalogs.

To open a catalog, click on one of the following links:

(Please note you need to enable pop ups in your browser. You may find Internet Explorer works better for this application)

  • When the page opens, you must select the option “No thanks, just launch the EPC”.
  • Answer “yes” to the question “Do you wish to access as an anonymous user?”
  • Tick the box “I have read and agree to the terms of the License Agreement”.
  • Click the buttons “Accept and Continue” and “I CONSENT”.
  • To make the “Picklist” section of the screen go away, click the “Minimize Picklist”, “Restore Picklist” and “Minimize Picklist” buttons.
  • For instructions on how to use the catalog, select “Help” from the menu bar and then choose “User Guide”

Contact us today for a quote or more information.

We regret that we are unable to accept retail or end-user enquiries.



Kingsdown - Exporter of truck and tractor parts